Our Data Architect has strong views about developers: ‘Good developers write good code. Great developers copy great code.’
Author: Aleks Kudic
Best way for Tech to bridge gap with the Business is to be helpful and to ensure that tech works 100% of the time.
How to be helpful? Organise knowedge sharing sessions with functional teams (finance, for example), focus on their needs and their core apps, show them how to use the tools to make their job easier. Do this to establish a baseline of Tech knowledge across organisation.
If you are a smaller business or have a developed support function, follow up with one to ones that can be between a few minutes to 30mins. Check user set up, show tools shortcuts, explain new tools use case. Use a check list to ensure consistency.
100% useful/works: Needless to say ensure that Tech works by making common tasks seamless: login, email, change password, file sharing, system updates, printing.
Get others involved
Add business users and other team members (data ops, for example) to stand ups. Resolve conflicts quickly, directly address bottlenecks while creating a sense of common team spirit.
Global view
In order to have a global view, travel to many countries. Travel not only to developed countries but to developing too. That will allow you to experience globalisation. Hiroaki Nakanishi, CEO Hitachi
Don’t build one platform. Build many interlinked apps. This will let you create a solution that is faster to change, easier to test and cheaper to build.
If you can live close to where you work, I think you’ll have more enjoyable life, more productivity and be more committed so they to do that if you could. Clive Schlee, CEO Pret A Monger
If you speak directly and confront problems directly, give feedback directly, take pleasure getting feedback, you’ll learn quickly, you’ll earn respect of others and you’ll solve problems more quickly. Clive Schlee, CEO Pret A Monger
We have as many Macs as Windows laptops. Needless to say that those are two very different worlds that meet at Office. Usually Office works as expected. Windows Office is more reliable and has richer functionality but Office for Mac appears more stylish in the eyes of Mac lovers. The issue is that El Captain, a new iOS update, and Office don’t get on. Don’t allow for OS upgrades without testing core apps.
Be yourself; because everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde