leadership other people team work

Get others involved

Add business users and other team members (data ops, for example) to stand ups. Resolve conflicts quickly, directly address bottlenecks while creating a sense of common team spirit.

behaviour hacks life other work

Live close to where you work

If you can live close to where you work, I think you’ll have more enjoyable life, more productivity and be more committed so they to do that if you could. Clive Schlee, CEO Pret A Monger

other people work


If you speak directly and confront problems directly, give feedback directly, take pleasure getting feedback, you’ll learn quickly, you’ll earn respect of others and you’ll solve problems more quickly. Clive Schlee, CEO Pret A Monger

other work

UNPROFOR* pattern

*Initially established in Croatia to ensure demilitarization of designated areas. The mandate was later extended to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support the delivery of humanitarian relief, monitor “no fly zones” and “safe areas”. The mandate was later extended to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for preventive monitoring in border areas.

I think of it as “team-setup” pattern when a separation of conflicting concerns is wanted (data team protection of data model vs risk teams reporting, for example).

future other work

Salesforce end of software

In 1992, “The End of History and the Last Man” book by Francis Fukuyama was published and in 2005 at INSEAD Fukuyama’s ideas were trumpeted as the invariable, unalterable fact ie absolute truth.

In 1999, Salesforce was founded and in 2015 at an enterprise-software-decission-table Salesforce presents invariable, unalterable fact ie absolute truth.

On Monday 15 Sept 2008, I worked for a global settlement house and had to deal with Lehman*, the biggest ever US failure.

*WSJ reported: Lehman Brothers had filed for bankruptcy protection Monday morning and Merrill Lynch had sold itself to Bank of America. By the end of the day, investors had turned their focus to insurance giant AIG, which was tottering, needing to raise billions in capital or face collapse.

behaviour future other people work

What’s your frame?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana


(last sentence)



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Progress not

“Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.” ― Alfred A. Montapert

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If analysis is important, do it all the time. If design is important, do it all the time. If implementation is important, do it all the time. If testing is important, do it all the time. If communication is important, do it all the time.

At Apple “design is part of every conversation”.

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My Interview

My interview for LinkedIn Pulse with Frederique Prevost.

other work

Time = Priority

What you spend your time on as the CTO is what your priority is. Record over a week or two what you spend your time on to find out what is import to you.