book leadership

Due Diligence for CEOs, CTOs & Engineering Managers: The main business findings that matter to your organization

It’s Here!

“How to check if what they are saying is true?”…or…”A No-Nonsense Guide to Tech Due Diligence” or some other catchy title like that.

My new book “Due Diligence for CEOs, CTOs & Engineering Managers: The main business findings that matter to your organisation (Short books for busy managers series)” is now available. 

The book costs less than a tunafish sandwich and, honestly, smells a lot better.

It explains the most important due diligence areas and findings you should know about as a business leader when identifying and quantifying the risk of partnering with a supplier or investing in a business.

It does it in terms so simple even CEOs and CTOs can understand it.

If you love me like you say you do, here’s what to do:

   1. Go here and buy the book.

   2. Write a glowing review of the book and post it on Amazon.

   3. Then, if you have a 10 minutes to kill, read it.