Your career plan is not predetermined by the corporation.
Take responsibility in designing your own career plan.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Author: Aleks Kudic
Line jobs make money for your corporation.
Line jobs include: salespeople, sales and product manager, marketing directors, supervisors, and general managers.
Staff jobs are a stepping stone to other jobs.
Staff jobs include: lawyers, planners, data processing employees, R&D scientists, and all administrators.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Advantages of higher paying jobs:
Greater benefits , perquisites, bonuses, and subsequent raises.
Higher paid persons get the higher paid jobs.
Greater visibility to top management.
Greater responsibility.
Opportunities to perform and show off talents.
Remember: Money is the score board.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Unplanned work
If you want to work hard and not have visible results to show consider tracking unplanned work. Unplanned work is the main reason for missing deadlines. Use Kanban to lay out your planned work for a week. Keep gate shut to all unplanned work.
As a backbencher you can speak your mind…. Leadership implies constraint.
MVP, happy path, test coverage, Devops… In practice everything is in a spectrum. Focus on building value as the primary goal.
A lot can be said about designing for cloud-first. Async as default, for example. Chatty DB issues of systems designed with an implicit view that data is instantly available (on-prem DB, for example). However cloud DB suffer from latency causing issues.
A good starting point is to to recognise that different physics is at play in the cloud.
A lot of developers talk about microservices. Microservices at an outset appear anti-agile as separation has to be tackled early on which is not easy as most of the time deeper understanding is required in order to decide how to brake up components. Build MVP and decompose when you learn….
Installations of Hadoop with Gb data feeds that would be faster processed on a laptop.
Virtual Reality HoloLens
At London’s Future Decoded, Nadella frequently referred to HoloLens, the augmented-reality headset the company is deploying in early 2016. “If you change the way you see the world, you change the world that you see,’ he said on stage, pointing to the ‘augmented’ aspect of the headset. It’s clear to see that HoloLens will be a big part of Microsoft’s future offerings to businesses.
Other soundbites included:
– Mobile-first, cloud-first
– Data from exhaust to fuel
– Lagging indicators like revenue, profit vs leading indicators like usage