- Reciprocity – looking after people
- Scarcity – capacity we only have 1 slot, I can get you if you give me your order
- Authority – knows everything, important in Tech field
- Likeability – get people to talk about themselves
- Social proof – who have done business with
- Commitment and consistency – would you look after my stuff, what’s preventing you signing the deal, if I fix this will you sign this order
Also important are confidence and enthusiasm
Category: career
Uberpreneurship, a discipline with the best of all worlds: salary of a stable job, autonomy of an entrepreneur, relationships of an executive and feedback of a focus group.
Customers are the lifeblood of any corporation!
Customers provide jobs for new products and applications.
Customers provide early warning signals of product quality and obsolescence.
Customers provide vision to the future.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Your career plan is not predetermined by the corporation.
Take responsibility in designing your own career plan.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Line jobs make money for your corporation.
Line jobs include: salespeople, sales and product manager, marketing directors, supervisors, and general managers.
Staff jobs are a stepping stone to other jobs.
Staff jobs include: lawyers, planners, data processing employees, R&D scientists, and all administrators.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox
Advantages of higher paying jobs:
Greater benefits , perquisites, bonuses, and subsequent raises.
Higher paid persons get the higher paid jobs.
Greater visibility to top management.
Greater responsibility.
Opportunities to perform and show off talents.
Remember: Money is the score board.
The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization, Jeffrey Fox